This page gathers the publications and presentations concerning the VEGA instrument installed on the CHARA Array.
Publications with VEGA (refereed)
P47: "Optically thin circumstellar medium in beta Lyr A system", Broz, M., Mourard, D., Harmanec, P. et al., A&A in press
P46: "Benchmarking the fundamental parameters of Ap stars with optical long-baseline interferometric measurements", K. Perraut, M. Cunha, A. Romanovskaya et al., A&A (accepted)
P45: "Calibrating the Surface-Brightness-color relation for late type red giant stars in the visible domain using VEGA/CHARA interferometric measurements', N. Nardetto, A. Salsi, D. Mourard et al., A&A (accepted pdf)
P44: "Precise calibration of the colour- and class-dependence of surfacePrecise calibration of the colour- and class-dependence of surfacebrightness-colour relations for late-type stars", A. Salsi, N. Nardetto, D. Mourard et al., A&A (accepted pdf)
P43: "Optical interferometry and Gaia measurement uncertainties revealOptical interferometry and Gaia measurement uncertainties revealthe physics of asymptotic giant branch stars'', A. Chiavassa, K. Kravchenko, F. Millour et al. (mainly MIRCx)., A&A (accepted pdf)
P42: "Visible and near-infrared spectro-interferometric analysis of the edge-on Be star o Aquarii", E. S. G. de Almeida, A. Meilland, A. Domiciano de Souza et al., A&A,
P41: "From the stellar properties of HD219134 to the internal compositions of its transiting exoplanets.", R. Ligi, C. Dorn, A. Crida et al., A&A, 2019 (pdf)
P40, "Fundamental parameters and evolutionary status of the magnetic chemically peculiar stars HD 188041 (V1291 Aquilae), HD 111133 (EP Virginis), and HD 204411: spectroscopy versus interferometry", Romanovskaya, A., Ryabchikova, T., Shulyak, D. et al., MNRAS 488 2019 (pdf)
P39: "Constraints on HD113337 fundamental parameters and planetary systems. Combining long-base visible interferometry, disk imaging and high-contrast imaging", S. Borgniet, K. Perraut, K. Su, A&A 627, A44, 2019 (
P38: "Physical properties of b Lyrae A and its opaque accretion disk", D. Mourard, M. Broz, J. Nemravova et al., A&A 618, A112 (2018) (pdf)
P37: "The GJ504 system revisited: Combining interferometric, radial velocity, and high contrast imaging data", M. Bonnefoy, K. Perraut, A.M. Lagrange et al., A&A 618 A63 (2018) (pdf)
P36: "Accurate effective temperatures of the metal-poor benchmark stars\par HD140283, HD122563, and HD103095 from CHARA interferometry", I. Karovicova, T. White, T. Nordlander et al., MNRAS 475, L81-L85 (2018) (pdf)
P35: "Flattening and surface-brightness of the fast-rotating star delta Per with the visible VEGA/CHARA interferometer", M. Challouf, N. Nardetto, A. Domiciano et al., A&A 604, A51 (2017) (pdf)
P34: "The compact Hα emitting regions of the Herbig Ae/Be stars HD 179218 and HD 141569 from CHARA spectrointerferometry", I. Mendigutia, R. Oudmaijer, D. Mourard, J. Muzerolle, MNRAS 464, 1984-1989 (2017) (pdf)
P33: "A disk wind in AB Aurigae traced with Ha interferometry", K. Perraut, C. Dougados, G. Lima et al., A&A, 596, A17 (pdf)
P32: "ksi Tauri: a unique laboratory to study the stellar and dynamical evolution of a multiple system", J.A. Nemravova, P. Harmanec, M. Broz et al., A&A, 594, A55 (2016) (pdf)
P31: "VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations of Cepheids I. A resolved structure around the prototype classical Cepheid delta Cep in the visible spectral range", N. Nardetto, A. Mérand, D. Mourard et al. A&A, 593, A45 (2016) (pdf)
P30: "The fundamental parameters of the roAp star HD24712: A rapidly oscillator at the red edge of the instability strip", K. Perraut, I. Brandao, M. Cunha et al., A&A 590, A117 (2016) (pdf)
P29: "Radii, masses and ages of 18 bright stars using interferometry and new estimations of exoplanetary parameters”, R. Ligi, O. Creevey, D. Mourard et al., A&A 586 A94 (2016) (pdf)
P28: "The peculiar fast-rotating star 51 Oph probed by VEGA/CHARA”, N.Jamialahmadi, P. Berio, A. Meilland et al., A&A 579 A81(2015) (pdf)
P27: "The fundamental parameters of theAp star 78 Vir*, Could 78 Vir be a rapidly oscillating Ap star?”, K. Perraut, M. Cunha, I.Brandão et al., A&A 579 A85 (2015) (pdf)
P26: "Spectral and spatial imaging of the Be+sdO binary phi Per”, D. Mourard, J. Monnier, A.Meilland et al., A&A 577, A51, (2015) (pdf) (data)
P25: "Benchmark stars for Gaia.Fundamental properties of the Population II star HD140283 from interferometric, spectroscopic and photometric data”, O. Creevey, F.Thévenin, P. Bério et al., A&A 575, A26 (2015) (pdf)
P24: "A resolved, au-scale gas disk around the B[e] star HD 50138", L.E. Ellerbroek, M. Benisty, S.Kraus et al., A&A (2014) (pdf)
P23: "Improving the surface-brightness color relation for early-type stars using optical interferometry”, M. Challouf, N. Nardetto, D. Mourard et al., A&A (2014) (pdf)
P22: "Separated fringe packet observations with the CHARA Array. II. w Andromeda, HD 178911 and x Cephei”, C. Farrington, T. ten Brummelaar, D. Banerjee et al., AJ 148, 3 (2014) (pdf)
P21: "An unusal quadruple system ksi Tauri", Nemravova, Harmanec, Bencheikh et al. CEAB 37 (2013) (pdf)
P20: "The operation of VEGA/CHARA: from the scientific idea to the final products", Ligi R., Mourard D. Nardetto N. and Clausse JM, JAI 2 (2013) (pdf)
P19: "An interferometric study of the post-AGB binary 89 Herculis: I Spatially resolving the continuum environnement at optical and near-IR wavelengths with the VLTI, NPOI, IOTA, PTI and the CHARA Array", Hillen, Verhoelst, Van Winckel et al., A&A 559, A111 (2013) (pdf)
P18: "The fundamental parameters of the roAp star: 10 Aql", Perraut, Borgniet, Cunha et al., A&A 559, A21 (2013) (pdf)
P17: "Enhanced Halpha activity at periastron in the young and massive spectroscopic binary HD 200775", Benisty, Perraut, Mourard et al., A&A, 555, 113 (2013) (pdf)
P16: "Spectrally resolved interferometric observations of a cep and physical modeling of fast rotating stars", Delaa, O., Zorec, J., Domiciano de Souza, A. et al., A&A, 555, 100 (2013) (pdf)
P15: "The relationship between gam Cassiopeiae's X-ray emission and its circumstellar environment", Stee, Delaa, Monnier et al., A&A 545, A59 (2012) (pdf)
P14: "A new interferometric study of four exoplanet host stars: theta Cygni,14 Andromedae, ups Andromedae and 42 Draconis", Ligi, Mourard, Lagrange et al., A&A 545, A5 (2012) (pdf)
P13: "A high angular and spectral resolution view into the hidden companion of eps Aurigae", Mourard, Harmanec, Stencel et al., A&A 544, A91 (2012) (pdf)
P12: "The relationship between gamma Cassiopeaie's X-ary emission and its circumstellar environment", Smith, Lopes, Motch et al., A&A 540, A53 (2012) (pdf)
P11: "Chromosphere of K giant stars: geometrical extent and spatial structure detection", Bério, Merle, Thévenin et al., A&A 535, A59 (2011) (pdf)
P10: "The diameter of theCoRoT target HD49933. Matching the hydrodynamical limb darkening, asteroseismology and the VEGA/CHARA interferometric data", Bigot, Mourard, Thévenin et al., A&A 534, L3 (2011) (pdf)
P09: "The binary Be star delta Sco at high spectral and spatial resolution.I Orbital elements, disk geometry and kinematics before the 2011 periastron", Meilland, Delaa, Stee et al., A&A 532, A80 (2011)(pdf)
P08: "A large Halpha line forming region for the massive interactive binaries beta Lyrae and upsilon Sagitarii", Bonneau, Chesneau, Mourard et al., A&A 532, A148 (2011) (pdf)
P07: "Spatio-spectral encoding of fringes in optical long-baseline interferometry. Example of the3T and 4T recombining mode of VEGA/CHARA", Mourard, Bério, Perraut et al., A&A 531, A110 (2011) (pdf)
P06: "Kinematics and geometrical study of the Be stars 48 Per and psi Per with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer", Delaa, Stee, Meilland et al., A&A 529 (A87) (2011) (pdf)
P05: "The fundamental parameters of the roAp star gamma Equ", Perraut, Brandao, Mourard et al. , A&A 526 (A87) (2011) (pdf) (oifits data)
P04: "An investigation of the close environment of beta Cep with the VEGA/CHARA interometer", Nardetto, Mourard, Tallon-Bosc et al., A&A 525 (A67) (2011) (pdf)
P03: "Time, spatial and spectral resolution of the Halpha line-formation region of Deneb and Rigel with the VEGA/CHARA interometer", Chesneau, Dessart, Mourard et al., A&A 521, A5 (2010) (pdf)
P02: "The Halpha line forming region of AB Aur spatially resolved at sub-AU with the VEGA/CHARA spectro-interferometer", Perraut, Benisty, Mourard et al., A&A 516, (2010) (pdf)
P01: "VEGA: Principle and Performance", Mourard, Clausse, Marcotto et al., A&A 508 (2009) (pdf)
Publications with VEGA (others)
- VEGA technical description (SPIE Orlando 2006) (pdf)
- VEGA scientific description (SPIE Orlando 2006) (pdf)
- VEGA SPIE paper 2008 (pdf)
- "New generation photon-counting cameras": algol and CPNG, Applied Optics, Vol. 47, March 2008 (pdf)
- "Spectro-interferometric observations of interacting massive stars with VEGA/CHARA", Bonneau et al., Proceedings of the Brno Conf., jun. 2009 (pdf)
- "Results on a sample of Be stars observed with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer", Delaa et al., Proceedings of the SF2A Conf., jul. 2009 (pdf)
- "Performances and first science results with the VEGA/CHARA visible instrument", SPIE Conf. Proceedings 7734-12, (2010) (pdf)
- "Direct characterization of limb darkening dedicated to transit measurements and asteroseismology", CoRoT Meeting, Marseille, June 2011, R. Ligi (pdf, poster)
- "Performance, results, and prospects of the visible spectrograph VEGA on CHARA", SPIE Conf. Amsterdam (2012) (pdf)
We are also please to share the work done by a large team beyond our group and coordinated by Philippe Stee about the prospective of the science cases in visible interferometry: White Book on Visible Interferometry or arxiv/1703.02395.pdf
Various slide presentations for VEGA
- Year-13 CHARA Meeting (Pasadena): VEGA, FRIEND, SPICA
- Year-11 CHARA meeting (Atlanta 2015) : Berio, Mourard
- Year-10 CHARA meeting (Ann Arbor 2014) : Meilland, Narges
- Forum PNPS 2014 (Stee, Ligi, Creevey)
- SF2A 2013 (Nardetto)
- Year-9 CHARA meeting (Flagstaff 2013) (Nardetto , Ligi)
- SPIE2012 VEGA presentation (ppt)
- Year-8 CHARA meeting (Atlanta 2012) Mourard, Ligi, Tallon-Bosc
- VEGA/CHARA and VLTI-10years meeting (ppt)
- Presentation of VEGA at Granada meeting, sept. 2011 (ppt)
- Year-7 CHARA meeting (Atlanta 2011) (Mourard1, Millour, Mourard2)
- Forum PNPS 2010 October 6th: (ppt)
- SPIE 2010 Presentation (ppt)
- Year-6 CHARA meeting (Pasadena 2010) (Delaa, Mourard, Nardetto)
- Year-5 CHARA meeting (Nice 2009) (Clausse, Mourard, Perraut, Stee)
- VEGA presentation SPIE Marseille 2008 (ppt)
- Year-3 CHARA meeting presentation (New York 2007) (Mourard, Stee)
- Year-2 CHARA meeting presentations (Tucson 2006) (General, Science)
GI2T/REGAIN description (Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 2000) (pdf)